Attention: changes in conference schedule!

Fifty Years of Generalized Quantifiers

In honour of Professor Andrzej Mostowski
will be held in Banach Center, Warsaw (Poland)
25.06 — 1.07.07
First announcement — PDF file

In 1957 Andrzej Mostowski published his paper introducing the notion of generalized quantifier. Later on wide area of logical research was opened and many papers devoted to generalized quantifiers were published. The main purpose of the meeting is to summarize current knowledge on this subject.

We are planning to edit a book containing contributed talks. This book would be a new addition to the sequence of books on generalized quantifiers which started with the volume Model-theoretic logics, edited by Barwise and Feferman in 1985, and continued with the two volume book Quantifiers, models and computation edited by M. Krynicki, M. Mostowski and L. Szczerba in 1995, and with Generalized quantifiers and computation edited by J.Väänänen in 1999. The new book would give a perspective of 2007 to generalized quantifiers, fifty years after the original article.