Warsaw University Institute of Philosophy
Nina Gierasimczuk

Nina Gierasimczuk

Institute of Philosophy at Warsaw University,
The Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Warsaw University
Institute of Philosophy
Krakowskie Przedmieście 3
00-927 Warsaw
nina dot gierasimczuk at gmail dot com

  • 2005 Master's Thesis: Algorithmic Approach to the Problem of Language Learning [PDF file] (in Polish) under the guidance of Marcin Mostowski.
  • 2000-2006 Inter-Departmental Individual Studies in Humanities.

Research interests:
grammar inference, computational learning theory, learning the semantics of natural language, mathematical linguistics, automata theory, cognitive science.

Recent area of research:
  • computational model for semantics learning,
  • Hintikka's Thesis,
  • empirical reseach concerning judicial decision making.
